Monday, 27 January 2014

Frequently used Excel Shortcuts

Some of the frequently used shortcuts of Excel are (highly useful shortcuts in my view are highlighted)

Move to the next sheet in the workbookCTRL+PAGE DOWN
Move to the previous sheet in the workbookCTRL+PAGE UP
Start a new line in the same cellALT+ENTER
Insert a hyperlinkCTRL+K
Insert a commentSHIFT+F2
Repeat the last actionF4
Move to the beginning of the worksheetCTRL+HOME
Move to the last cell on the worksheet, in the bottom-most used row of the rightmost used columnCTRL+END
Move one screen to the rightALT+PAGE DOWN
Move one screen to the leftALT+PAGE UP
Apply the General number formatCTRL+SHIFT+~
Apply the Number format with two decimal places, thousands separator, and minus sign (–) for negative valuesCTRL+SHIFT+!
Apply the Currency format with two decimal places (negative numbers in parentheses)CTRL+SHIFT+$
Apply the Percentage format with no decimal placesCTRL+SHIFT+%
Apply the outline border to the selected cellsCTRL+SHIFT+&
Remove the outline border from the selected cellsCTRL+SHIFT+_
BORDERING - in the FORMAT CELLS dialog box (CTRL+1)
Apply or remove the top borderALT+T
Apply or remove the bottom borderALT+B
Apply or remove the left borderALT+L
Apply or remove the right borderALT+R
If cells in multiple rows are selected, apply or remove the horizontal dividerALT+H
If cells in multiple columns are selected, apply or remove the vertical dividerALT+V
Apply or remove the downward diagonal borderALT+D
Apply or remove the upward diagonal borderALT+U

PS: please feel free to drop you excel/ word/ power point queries to I will try and respond as soon as I can. The more curious your question, the faster I respond. 

1 comment:

  1. This is useful list. I took a print out to keep at my desk. Thanks for sharing :)
